The Pensblog consistently cracks me up

They really are geniuses over there. Even if you're not into Penguins hockey--check that, at this point that's not an option--you should check out the Pensblog.

UPDATE: Just read this article in today's Post-Gazette, from a Kansas City writer. He gets it. The Penguins can't leave Pittsburgh. And as the Pensblog said a few weeks ago, Bob Smizik is an idiot.


Chris said…
i've got stuff to say about all your posts today, but i'm just going to put them here.

first, netvibes is sweet, but i like google reader better. it's different, but you don't miss stuff. although, i miss stuff on it. anyway...

that's great about your youth group. let me know if we can do anything at culture. ish. to help. have them submit playlists too. maybe i can print one.

anyway. hope all is well.
Jonathan Dodd said…
Netvibes was basically the first site of its kind I checked out... I'm guessing now that you said the words "Google reader" I'll get hooked on that because I am a shameless Google groupie. It's true.