Arena done deal?

KDKA is reporting the arena deal is done and we'll hear about it tomorrow before we play the Sabres. I'll wait before I celebrate (because I feel like they've said this before), but I might just sleep a little easier tonight.

I'll have lots more to say about the Buccos and Spring Training soon. I have thoughts on the 25-man roster, and I also want to review the movie Zodiac, which I mentioned I saw while I was in Bradenton.

I realize this blog has been pretty lame of late, especially in the updates about myself department, and there are reasons for that, but I have some stuff in the works and lots of ideas I'd like to do here... we can blame business for the lack of awesome posts thus far. Here are a few things that have been on my plate of late: Applying to, being accepted by, and trying to make a decision about attending Pitt in the fall (which will really start this summer with a few pre-reqs I have to catch up on). Preliminarily planning a youth group missions trip to Marseilles, France, also for this summmer and being pretty frustrated by the lack of progress I've made. And, trying to psych myself up to apply for jobs because really, I'd like some $ and my own place. There are a few things I'm looking at now and are interested in, but I lack that something to get me really going. That's all for now... I'll keep ya posted.

UPDATE Tues. 12:13 AM: Post-Gazette confirms. I think this is for real.


Chris said…
haha. i just read that and was coming over to tell you, but it looks like you beat me to it. this better be true.