That one's great because (surprise!) they take a shot at A-Rod right there at the very end. And then there's this next one shot by a fan. It's the entire at-bat and Hill comes out of nowhere in the last 20 seconds. (You've gotta love video like this... it always reminds me of that near-creepy video of the David Ortiz RBI to beat the Yankees in the Red Sox championship year. That thing gives me the chills, in a good way.)
That one's great because (surprise!) they take a shot at A-Rod right there at the very end. And then there's this next one shot by a fan. It's the entire at-bat and Hill comes out of nowhere in the last 20 seconds. (You've gotta love video like this... it always reminds me of that near-creepy video of the David Ortiz RBI to beat the Yankees in the Red Sox championship year. That thing gives me the chills, in a good way.)