I'm calling it now

It's the middle of LOST's season finale, and I'm sure of one thing: These Jack "flashbacks" are in the future, after Jack is off the island.

11:12 pm. The beard gave it away. Amazing, amazing episode tonight. I can't express right now how much I love LOST. Hurley and the Dharma van. Hurley on the walkie: "Attention Others." Sayid being awesome. The "forward flash." Locke being beyond nuts. Danielle and Alex. Mikhail minus patch. Desmond. Charlie. The exact opposite of the way I felt after Heroes' disappointing finale. Kip Wells beat the Bucs tonight and I couldn't care.

All I can really say is:


Chris said…
good frickin call. i didn't catch it nearly that quickly. the beard was bad ass. i loved the episode as well. i didn't think heroes was that bad. we should get a drink sometime real soon. there was something else i was going to say, but forgot.
Jason said…
I hated the episode at first, but now think they can do a LOT with it next season. I'm really excited.

The cell phone tipped me off (since I know that RAZR is fairly new, and events on the island take place in '04). But it didn't tip me off enough, since I still felt it was a flashback until the end.
Jonathan Dodd said…
I didn't even notice the phone, which is what seemed to tip everyone else off. I am always making these crazy predictions that I'm sure are right when watching LOST (always based completely on hunches) and this was the first one I ever had right. It was nice that it was the first one I also told to more folks than just my immediate viewing companions. Atypically, I watched this one at home so I had my laptop with me. Maybe if I always watched with my laptop the Internet would be full of incorrect LOST predictions, and now one correct one. I dug the episode from the start, though, and I agree, it opens up a lot they could do. I'm going to miss it until January.