Now this is cool...

Yup, that's Heath Ledger as the Joker and Maggie Gyllenhaal as Rachel Dawes.

And here's The Dark Knight teaser trailer, all part of a sweet viral campaign. I have complete faith in Chris Nolan that this movie will rock. I'm tired of movies letting me down (Transformers would be a good example) and I am looking forward to TDK like none other. I know Heath Ledger doesn't seem like the obvious choice to play the Crown Prince of Crime, but a look at this ought to make you feel better. And if you're still doubting, watch Batman Begins again, take comfort in the fact that Aaron Eckhart is playing Harvey Dent, a.k.a. Two Face, and find something to do until July 18, 2008. It'll be worth the wait.


Chris said…
That does look sweet, but I am far more happy to hear that you disliked Transformers. That movie was terrible.
Jason said…
Transformers shouldn't have let you down, since you shouldn't have had any high hopes to begin with for it. Sorry if that sounds cranky, but Michael Bay makes me want to die.

I sometimes sound like a broken record, but the Arts & Faith forum is a great place for scoops on film stuff. As is Jeffrey Wells' 'blog. And Film Ick is great too; they had teaser clips from the new Iron Man movie up, and it looks promising.
Jonathan Dodd said…
Yeah, I wasn't disappointed really in Transformers, because I knew Michael Bay would ruin everything (and he did), but I did feel let down... as in betrayed... pretty much used. It was awful. And Peter Cullen's voice made it all the worse. It was like remembering this thing you once loved, and it was almost the same--or at least it sounded the same, but it was stripped of everything meaningful and replaced with "my bad." I didn't quite want to die, Jason, but I did want my $8 back.
Chris said…
I agree with Jon. I mean. It's Transformers. How am I suppose to not see it and not hope it's going to be at least nostalgic? Betrayed is a good way of putting it. I just don't get how some people that I know liked it. That's confusing.