Leopard to the future?

I've had fun exploring all the dazzling new features the next phase of Mac's OS X, "Leopard," will introduce this October.

And then Digg led me to this today, a blogger speculating that Leopard may abandon the "Aqua" theme OS X has held since it's inception (or at least begin to phase it out) in favor a space/time travel theme, as seen in the new (and amazing) Time Machine application, which you can see in the Leopard tour I linked to above, or below:

If using a Mac for the first time doesn't already blow you away, then Leopard ought to change that. It looks just amazing, introducing even more intuitive and user-friendly features that expose Vista for what it is--a cheap imitation and blatant rip-off of what Mac's been doing well for years--and is about to do even better.

Pretty cool stuff, huh?


Wow, this is amazing and exciting stuff. I'm really excited to get a Mac now.... You're going to convert all of us to Apple eventually, you know. It's fantastic. :)