Thanks to Boyle, I re-watched the WALL-E trailor, and was stoked to realize the music they play during the WALL-E segment is the same music that serves as one of the musical themes in Terry Gilliam's 1985 movie Brazil, which I've watched for the first time since I saw Ratatouille, and thus couldn't have recognized it in theaters. The musical themes in Brazil add so much to the movie (actually, I think Gilliam said he was inspired by hearing a particular song to make the entire movie) and it was a good choice by the Pixar folks to borrow this piece of score. (I really don't have to say how excited I am for WALL-E, do I?) I also heard that WALL-E will be completely without conventional dialogue, with only the robot noises you hear WALL-E use at the end to say his "name." Wow.
In other nerdnotes, I've had my movie collection alphabetized for a bit now, but decided yesterday to take it one step farther: I'm alphabetizing by director. I'm trying to get to know my movies better and this ought to be a good way. It's not like my collection is all that substantial, so it's not a huge undertaking or anything, but it should help me get to know at least the names of some of the lesser-known movie-makers whose films I'm proud to own.
In other nerdnotes, I've had my movie collection alphabetized for a bit now, but decided yesterday to take it one step farther: I'm alphabetizing by director. I'm trying to get to know my movies better and this ought to be a good way. It's not like my collection is all that substantial, so it's not a huge undertaking or anything, but it should help me get to know at least the names of some of the lesser-known movie-makers whose films I'm proud to own.
But I might try arranging them soon by SCREENWRITER.