Michael Crichton says "aliens caused global warming"

I realize this is really old news (2003), but this speech is an interesting read which includes some thoughts on science, belief, SETI, nuclear winter and the climate crisis. I don't know a lot about science, and don't know how much Michael Crichton knows about science, but the man writes interesting books, and as I said: it's an interesting read.


Jason said…
I'm scared to read it, Jon--Timeline bored me to tears before page 100. I'm scared, really.

Crichton is also around seven feet tall. What if he's an alien?
Jonathan Dodd said…
I've never read Timeline (guess I shouldn't). Jurassic Park, The Lost World and the Andromeda Strain are awesome (or at least were when I read them in middle school). I've read Congo, Sphere, and maybe more--I honestly can't remember. All that was years ago though, until recently when my Crichton hiatus ended: I'm just starting to read Prey and am into it so far, but the main reason I'm reading it is for LOST research. A lot of people think "Smokie" is an intelligent nano-bot robot cloud like in Prey. The producers denied it, but it makes sense to me. (And yes, I'm that obsessed.)
Anonymous said…
I miss you bud. I was really pissed I couldn't be with you guys opening day.

Can't wait to come home the 22nd for good!!

We'll have to go out for Tai again and catch up... again.

I have a surprise for you at our get together weekend! I know you'll like it.
Jason said…
Oddly, I was tossing the nanobot theory around since the beginning of Season 2 (when I first started watching), but gave up 'cause of the denials from the producers. You'd be surprised how many books have referenced nanobots over the past decade (aside from Prey, I mean).

Jurassic Park and Congo are both great books. Crichton still weirds me out, though.